Saturday, April 19, 2008

I have been tagged by Aspen

How long have you been together? Since 1996, which is 12 long years
( happy years ) Married since 1999, Almost 10 years, WOW!!
How long did you date? 3 1/2 years, I think I beat every one on this question. I do recommend dating some one for at least a year but seriously who keep some one hanging on for 3 years? He was worth it..jeez!
How old is he? 30
Who said ‘I love you’ first? Jason said he loved me first.

Who is taller? He is. I am only 5'4 and he is 6'3
Who is smarter? He is. I have gotten dumber with each kid. Now if you ask who has the better memory that would be ME.

Who does the laundry? ME!! I even have a help wanted sign in the laundry room, no one has applied. Although if Jason does it which is maybe once a year he only washes his clothes.

Who does the dishes? the dishwasher although I am the one that loads it and unloads it, if any one else opens it up it is just to pull one or two items out and leaving the rest for ME.. Since no one has applied for the laundry position I haven't bothered to hang a sign for this position.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If laying in the bed, Jason sleeps on the right side at home. In the trailer and at the nuthouse I do. If we stay in a hotel Jason always sleeps closer to the door or night stand. ( something funny..I like to get a hotel room that has two beds so I can have my own, this way I don't have to fight over blankets or the pillows )

Who pays the bills? I do. This is the job I hate the most. I am always asked where did all the money go?

Who mows the lawn? If Jason is around he does it but last year the Malovich boys did.

Who cooks dinner? ME, McDonald's, KFC, Arby's, My Mom or Taco Bell. Oh come on we don't eat out that often. I usually make a big breakfast on Saturday and a nice dinner on Sunday. During the week the microwave does most of it. I am all about fast ,cheap and easy. I don't have a whole lot of time during the week to actually make a big dinner.

Who is more stubborn? Jason is but every once in a while I can change his mind. Example...TYLER

Who kissed who first? Jason kissed me first. I had a cold that day and I said all girly like.."I am sick and I don't want to give my cold." He took my chin with his hand and pulled me in and kissed me, I still remember him shaking. I was in the driver's seat in his Trans Am.
Who asked who out? I would always bug Jason to take me for a motorcycle ride or would ask when was he going to let me drive his car or his lifted truck? I gave up after a while. I started to think that he didn't like me or if I was retarded or something ( he was the one retarded ). We went to Wheeler Farm ( back when they had line dancing there ) but it was a group thing with a bunch of our friends. I don't know if we really had a first date alone. He did pick me up from work and take me home all the time.
Who proposed? Jason proposed in the same place where we first kissed. I still remember shaking. ( now ask Aspen who got to see the ring first? )

Who is more sensitive? I am for sure. Although I have gotten better, I don't cry as much.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You are so cute. I love the kissing story and proposal story. I never thought of putting a sign on the laundry room door...very clever. I always ask my visiting teachers to help me, but I think they think I am joking.