Wednesday, April 9, 2008

RoAd RaGe!!!

It is a wonder why any body can get any where on time when you have people out there that won't even go the speed limit. GeT OuT Of My WaY!! What happened to move to the right? You know that's a law!! I mean all I am asking, well two things is go the speed limit and move over when you see me coming. If you can't even speed up to merge with traffic when getting on the free way don't drive on the free way! I admit I am a speeder but I have places to go! Oh and I can't stand those nervous wreck type people where their hands are white knuckled on the steering wheel and have to sit with the steering wheel in their neck. Oh and if you have been driving for 70 years doesn't mean you should still be driving just because you have several years of experience. Get a GPS if you don't know where you are going, Also I don't know how many times I have almost had a head on with a car on Bacchus highway because some one is riding their bike on the side of the highway. I can't share the road..isn't it illegal to ride your bike or run or walk on a highway? That highway is so deadly as it is, why are people calling on an accident?
I am really starting to hate the drive to work for all of these reasons. ( boy I am really complaining, but I need to vent ) I have to leave 45 minutes early so I can get Maddie to school by 8:00AM. ( there is only a small window between 7:15 and 7:25 when leaving the house or I am stuck in even heavier traffic for an extra 10 minutes ) Don't get me wrong I love where I live and I will deal with this on a day to day basis, twice a day for it but really can't people just get out of my way? I sometimes wish I had a little scoop on the front of my car so I could move them over or off the road.
Okay I feel better.

1 comment:

Jamey said...

look how fiesty you are! Get out of your way! j/k you are too funny. I will try to pull over if I see you coming!