Tuesday, April 29, 2008

being a mommy..

On a day to day bases:
I get poop on my hands, get scratched, get yelled at, drooled on, spit up on, chewed on, tugged at, screamed at, cried on, told what to do, pinched, peed on, farted on and my favorite..... laughed at.
I am a taxi, groomer, restaurant, singer, story teller, bather, shoe lace tyer, shoe finder, blanket catcher, sock matcher, close coordinator, bum wiper,debater, negotiator, chaser, phone dialer, reader, toy cleaner, hand sanitizer, Nurse, pharmacist and my favorite...a kisser and a hugger.
Am I complaining..NO. I love all of the jobs above and all the other that comes with it. I really enjoy being a Mommy. I love my kids so very much. I am so blessed to have these stinkers!


Amanda said...

That is just about the cutest picture ever. I love this post.
Oh... I love that picture of you and Jason on the swing.

Jamey said...

Oh, what a joy it is to be a mom!