Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Love/Hate List

I saw this on Jamey's post so I am copying her. I have lots to share

Love: Being called Mommy
Hate: Being called a Baby
Love: Motorcycle Rides ( especialy when I had my own bike )
Hate: When Jason does wheelies on his motorcycle, with or without me on the bike.
Love: Pedicures
Hate: Giving Pedicures..Jason thinks I should give him one every Sunday night.
Love: Good directions
Hate: Getting lost. Especialy when my cell phone battery is running low.
Love: A clean car, inside and out
Hate: A dirty car, inside and out
Love: To poop, I know that's gross to say but it means I am sheding those un wanted pounds.
Hate: To poop, Who has time to sit down for 10 minutes?
Love: The garbage taken out with out having to ask.
Hate: Having to ask to take the garbage out...3-5 times before it finally goes out. This includes taking the cans to the street too!
Love: Having my hair washed by my Sister.
Hate: Washing my hair.
Love: Bubble baths
Hate: Not having time to take a bubble bath.
Love: Clean sheets
Hate: Washing the bedding and then making the bed
Love: The way my boobs look and feel when they are full with milk, It makes me feel 18 again :)
Hate: The way my boobs look and feel when Tyler has had his way with them!
Love: When it rains when the sun is still shinning
Hate: When I don't have an umbrella
Love: New underwear. If I could pull a new set out of their bag every day I would. They always fit the best when they are brand new.
Hate: Holes in my under wear.
Love: jumping in the car for a fast get away some where.
Hate: Going on vacation to same places...Don't get me wrong I appreciate those times and look forward to them but I want to go some where different.
Love: Tulips
Hate: Weeds that like to grow around them.
Love: Getting a close parking spot.
Hate: Not remembering where I parked my car when I don't get a close one.
Love: That my kids are ( well the older ones ) potty trained.
Hate: When we have been in line for a while at some random place and one of them says Mommy I have to go potty.
Love: To eat
Hate: To is the DEVIL
Love: 99 cent menu or dollar menu
Hate: When my kids complain about getting from that menu and not a toy. Well I am just going to throw it away when they are not looking.
Love: When the kids let me sleep in
Hate: When they don't and come in every 5 minutes and whisper Mommy will you make me breakfast? Atleast they can do the T.V. on their own now. I admit it is cute when they whisper to me.
Love: Girls night out
Hate: Not going as much as we should
Love: Getting to know the people in my ward
Hate: Not knowing all of their names, I need a description of people so I know who they are. I am still working on it.
Love: Working with my Family because we undertsand each other.
Hate: Working with my Family, they drive me crazy.
Love: A clean house
Hate: Cleaning it
Love: Going out on dates with my husband.
Hate: That I feel guilty not bringing the kids.

You know I realy could go on and on..But I will stop. I do think who ever reads this should post this as well..Then I will know what I can do to drive you mad!