Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Weekend

Jason and I are never here for Easter. We are usualy with friends down in Moab. We leave the kids behind at my Moms. So this year I wanted to go all out and decorate eggs and bake cookies. We had such a good time. I made bunny ears for the kids. I did have to borrow powdered sugar from Aspen and a cookie cutter and food coloring from Jamey and my Sister brought me sprinkles to make the cookies happen. We did share with them later. They turned out so yummy. I was told that it will be the real Easter Bunny that will hide the eggs and not some guy in a bunny costume. Jason still can't get over it. I think we did change his mind when he saw his Easter basket and the eggs when we got home from church. However he also thought that the Easter bunny left a mess. ( who has time to clean the house before leaving for church? )
Daddy's egg for Little Jason
Maddies' egg

Mommy's egg

Little Jason's egg, with Daddy's help.

Jason and Maddie in their new Easter clothes.

See what Jason is doing!!?? He won't stop!!

We found all the eggs and are eating the candy.

Mommy was too cheap to by Tyler a new outfit for church so Tyler got stuck wearing a onsie that was Jason's when Jason was a little baby.
It was a great weekend. I love Family Fun time and we had lots this weekend.