Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Let's Bowl, Let's Rockin' Roll

Jason and I took the kids bowling during the week we were off from work. The kids had so much fun and they bowled awesome especially little J. Both games he broke a hundred. He even got a strike with out even hitting the bumpers. Maddie did a couple of spares and strikes herself. Now they won't stop bugging us as to when we can go again. Even Family night we had to set up an alley in the living room so we could play with the playskool bowling set we have. I guess they get it from my side..Both my parents were in bowling leagues when I was growing up and I even have my own ball and shoes.
Let me know when you want to go!


Keelee said...

I guess you haven't heard how good I am. We as well have our own stuff and after Simon and I were married I was on 2 bowling leagues. Don't laugh too hard, but I was. We also hit the bowling alley during the break. I am glad to see that we are not the only alley cats out there.

Amanda said...

Are you payin'?