Friday, June 6, 2008

My Little Graduate!!

Maddie Graduated from Kindergarten on Wednesday. It was a cute program. It was 1 1/2 hour long program.... They sang songs and had a special slide show. The slide show for Maddie's class was themed " Oh how we've grown ". It showed the kids as babies and how they look now. It was really cute. Her teacher's even included their own Baby picture.
This is her Teacher Mrs. Porter and the Teacher's Assistant Ms. Brandy
This was their song on Success and her close friend Kya
She makes me so proud! She was beaming, Her Nana got her some flowers. It was such a special day. Oh and we don't have to repeat Kindergarten..she did great on her year end test and gets to go to First Grade..I wish that her Teacher's would move up to the next grade with her.

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