Thursday, January 5, 2012

fair,ly odd family!

I didn't take hardly any pictures this year at the fair. I am sure you can hit older posts to look at all of the previous pictures I have taken, they are all the same. I know lazy ( maybe when I finally break down and get a new camera? ) but we were just having way too much fun. Besides if all of you go to the fair every year like we do you know what your gonna see. Our favorite part of the fair this year was watching the sea lions. They were amazing and I would of recommended having you watch the show. It was great!

We did do our traditional fair food...funnel cake and kettle corn and yes we spent the ten dollars to go down the big yellow slide. Heck, when it's once a year I am gong to shovel out the money because, yes it is worth it to me!! I love the fair!!

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