Monday, October 27, 2008


Will I ever escape the ruined pictures? Jason enjoys showing off his birdie finger,more then ever... to get a rise out of me! Most of the text messages he sends me I get pictures of his birdie finger the most...he is just showing me how much he loves me ;) I guess?
Besides that..we are not fans of Chili's. ( I only go for the chip's and salsa from the to go area ) It had been a long time since we dined in because usually when we go, not only is the service crappy, the food is old or cold. It really didn't matter what Chili's we visited here in the valley..even the one in St. George has been bad. Okay to my point..this time it was actually yummy and our server was funny. Still this doesn't mean that it's now my favorite place. My favorite places are Winger's, Chuck A Rama, Famous Dave's BBQ and Ruby River Steak house ( as you can tell I am not a vegan! )


Lisanne said...

I bumped into your blog! Glad to see things are going good at the South home. Miss you guys!

me said...

sorry had to laugh at the birdie pic! hehe...