Monday, July 7, 2008

Mohawk Madness!!!

We give Little J' a Mohawk every summer ( well okay maybe the last 2 ). I love to give him a Mohawk. I like peoples reactions especially when he is all dressed up for church. We even did it blond for Jake and Mindy's wedding, he was the ring barer. Oh and last year Little J started wearing one at church and now there are 4 or 5 boys that do it now too..glad that we could start a new trend. Oh and every summer Jason shaves his head..It's easier for him with his motorcycle helmet. I talked him into letting Tami do it in to a Mohawk just long enough to do pictures with little J'. We then started messing around before eventually taking it all of. It was fun..I think all three of my boys will have them next summer too. Hopefully Tyler has enough hair by then that I can do that.

1 comment:

Amanda said...


That second picture makes Jason look like he is stoned. (?)

The third picture should have a caption like... "Pitty da foo"