Friday, July 2, 2010

look who's 32!!

Wow I have been 32 for a whole month!! It really is no big deal, just another day.

Jason took the motorcycle out of storage and we did a time warp back to when we we're dating, back to 18 again....Went to dinner, a dollar movie and ice cream. Stayed out past curfew, after 1 AM. We had a great time as usual.

I had several other's make me feel special. Thanks to all of my family and friends that made it great! ( my favorite part, is always what the kids do for me. It's fun seeing what they pick out. They love making a big deal out of it and that makes me even happier! )

Age is earned~ Here's to another year!


Janzen said...

Happy late birthday!!

Devon and Josh said...

Happy Birthday Tawnie! Can you believe that we are getting older? I have to say that you look fabulous woman. Here's to another fantastic year!