Friday, December 11, 2009

haeppeee beirdaye!!

I am Two now!! If I would of held out for two more weeks like I was supposed to I wouldn't be two until the 21st but I decided I needed to start torturing my Family as early as sense in waiting.I am so smart. I am counting to ten on my own, I sing almost all the words to my favorite songs. My most favorite one at the moment is "you get the best of both worlds" by Hannah Montana. My Mommy has even made me my own mix on her i-pod so when we get in the car I can rock out to it along with the other songs I love. I am still working on the potty's rough to try and remember when I am playing or getting in to something I am not supposed to.

Man how time fly's when your having fun!! Can't wait until I am 3..since I already act like I need to be a big kid like my Brother and Sister. I had a great birthday. I had a Sponge Bob cupcake. Got a Handy Many book with tools and a very load obnoxious play guitar. I am lovin' life. I know my Family love's me...I love them more!!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I can't believe our babies are two
:( It seems like just yesterday we were fat and prego with them ;) Happy b-day Tyler!