I had seen a friend post some pictures of her and her little boy at this pumpkin patch. It was at Engh Gardens ( Nursery ) it's located around 7th East and 8100 So. It's a complete nursery with a cute little store. They had their pumpkin patch decked out for Halloween.
The kids got all of their wiggles out. It's not like a huge pumpkin patch but it had a pirate ship that they could climb on. Lot's of fun cut outs to stick their heads thru ( Little Jason's head almost got stuck...I had to tell him to just put his face barely in!! ) They even had a cute little maze.
Tyler gets scared over the Halloween decorations that move and talk. He says "scary", He says "scary" just seeing the Halloween poster at Walmart. He freaks out and screams and will yell "NO" or "DONE" when he gets too close. I hate to admit... I make him get too close..What? they are my kids and I can torture them :)
Most of the photos are curtesy of Maddie and Jason. They were quiet photogenic that day. I think that they take pretty good pictures!! ( as you can see they got along really well and actually have their arms around each other in some of the pictures )
The best part is that it was FREE!! We did buy a pumpkin for each of us...We love Halloween and family outings. You should go check it out before it's over.