I get into everything these days! I am trying way too hard to be big like my older Sister and Brother and it is only fair that I do all the same things they can...I am not asking for their bikes just yet but I do want to climb, slide, run, and jump on the trampoline like them. I just look up to them so much.
I am enjoying all the chocolate and soda that I can get my hands on, I think my Mommy needs to cut back because I know that if it wasn't in my face I wouldn't want it nor would I miss it. ( well, maybe? ) I also enjoy lots of fruits and veggies. I want to grow up big and strong like my Daddy but on occassion I slip some of the food I am not in the mood for to the puppy.
Have I mentioned how clever I am? I have a wide range of vocabulary..some of my favorite words are Mommy of course but also ranges to Daddy, Jace..Jace, Mad, Myee ( Mylee my, puppy ), SSSss for snake and woo woo for a dog barking ( I will even woo woo when I see a picture of a doggy or one on t.v. ). I also say ah-do for thank you. I honk honk while I touch my nose, slap my head while doing doh like Homer and say tick tick when I am trying to tickle my Mommy. I also say owee, bye, wee, eww or peeuuu ( mostly when Daddy farts or burps real loud! ),hi, hello, no and uh-oh.
I think I am my funniest when I climb up on the coffee table or dinner table and I have just recently learned how to climb up on my Mommy's office chair and sit in her lap. I also clap after I turn the lights on and off and the computers off ...that is clearly my favorite especially when Mommy is right in the middle of something.
I do stick out my tongue but give plenty of love and affection to those around me. I blow kisses and give hugs and I always make sure to leave a little behind with my kisses..clearly the reaction I get makes me think they love my slobbery kisses? Even though it takes me some time to warm up to some people I do enjoy making new friends.
The things that I am working on is to not play with myself so much, my Mommy keeps threatening that she will keep my in a onesie the rest of my toddler days if I don't keep my hands out of my pants. I am also trying not to squeal at the top of my lungs when the puppy steals my food. I am working on my manners daily and try to vocalize my feelings with words instead of screaming.
I am also not quite ready for potty training but boy do I love to splash in the toilet, I know that there are alot of little kids learning early on but I love tormenting my Mommy with rolling over or running away and playing with myself when she changes my bum, I am always up to giving her a challenge! ( she can't get enough of it!! )
I am so glad that I chose this wonderful family and greatful for so many neat friends. They always show me daily how much I am loved.
(Tyler is 16 months old)