Monday, February 18, 2008

My silly Little Jason

This is Little Jason...Also goes by JaceJace, Bubba,
Monster, and Stinky..Oh and Monkey

I hate to admit this but this boy constantly has
his finger in his nose....and yes has the bad habit
of eating his boogers! They must taste like candy?

This little/big guy is a Mommas boy.

His dog SAM is possed the same way.
I didn't pose them this was, Jason sleeps like
this all the time ever since he was born.

Um yes he is in a bathroom Rock & Roll ( goes perfect with the hair and the
Little Rebel T-shirt )

Cops & Robber sun glasses..Peace out
My son get's supper upset if you leave without

giving hugs and kisses. He realy is a lover.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

2007 Moments

1. What did you do in 2007 that you’d never done before? My mind goes blank.
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? No, this year I intend to do my Visiting Teaching every month.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Besides me..Aspen and Mindy..Then half of the Woman in our Ward.
4. What countries did you visit? None
5. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007? Less of me.
6. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Having my baby
7. What was your biggest failure? Losing my Temper
8. Did you suffer illness or injury? Is stress an Illness?
9. What was the best thing you bought? Jason got me a recliner for the Baby's room.
10. Where did most of your money go? Bills
11. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Getting pregnant and having a baby.
12. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? Sadder...and Stressed
13. What do you wish you’d done more of? Travel
14. What do you wish you’d done less of? lose my temper
15. Did you fall in love in 2007? Yes, his name is Tyler
16. What was your favorite TV show? Jeremy and Larkyn got Jason and I hooked on Scrubs. I hate to miss it.
17. What did you want and get? A Baby
18. What was your favorite movie of this year? Music and Lyrics, Mr. and Mrs. Smith ( was that this past year? )
19. What did you do on your birthday? Went to my second favorite place to eat, Chuck A Rama
20. Who did you miss? My Dad....every day
Copy and paste this to your blog with your own 2007 moments...

Friday, February 15, 2008

I was wrong

So Mommy was determined that her third and final child was going to be a girl..I was going to name her Hailey...Boy was I wrong. I was right with my other children but I completly lost the bet on this one. At first I cried, struggled alot...then got to thinking, we have nothing but girls except for Little Jason. What a treat to have this little guy in our lives. He is truely a blessing. The Lord knew I needed him and so did Little Jason. It certainly threw me for a loop..Who couldn't love this face and those dimples!!! Maddie and Little Jason love him. I can't picture us with out him....Right now he is equaly a Momma's boy and a Daddy's boy but give it time and he will be all mine. When Tyler has been fussy for a while and I have fed him and changed him and put him in every different position to get him to stop and still won't stop Jason can come in and take him into his arms and he will calm right down and then the two of them will just hang out for a while. There is something about the smell of a hard worker and his deep voice that get's that Baby to calm down...Or just the smell of deisel fuel that makes him go into a trance? :)

Tyler was born on the 8th of December at 1:15 A.M. and only weighed in at 7lbs 7oz, he was short too only 20 1/2" long. He came a week earlier then scheduled and two weeks early from my actualy due date. He was realy meant to be. We had been trying since September in 2006 and then we decided to stop trying because no way I was going to have a November or a December Baby and then oops' we were positive. I had always discussed with Aspen in the past ( before convincing Jason to have another baby ) that I didn't care if I had a Baby on the 31st of December I just wanted to have one and that I could have a tax right off. I guess I blew it when I had joked about it. My first Doctor's visit was on my Dad's birthday and my family and I had discussed that it would be weird that after us trying for a while that my due date would end up on my Dad's D Day and sure enough when the Doctor came in and we calculated weeks. It was my due date, the 21st of December. I was touched. I knew that I wouldn't last that long but it was almost like a message from my Dad and that makes it even more special.

Picture to Daddy

I took this picture last night with my camera phone..It only took me 7 tries and this one turned out the best. Even though I am showing my friend-The double chin. Daddy is away alot these days and every once in a while we send some pictures to him to let him know how much we miss him. This week he will have been gone since Sunday and will be back some time in the middle of the night between Friday night and Saturday morning. He will have been in 6 States this week. Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Nevada, California, and Arizona.

My Pride and Joy

Here are my Loves....This is a proud Brother and Sister. This is them seeing their new Baby Brother for the first time at the hospital. Maddie is 6 and Little Jason is 3.5 and Baby Tyler is a Day old. Little Jason and Maddie have smothered Baby Tyler like the special sauce that smothers a burrito. They love him so much and always want to hold him. They will do anything for me to help keep him happy except for taking a dirty diaper to the garbage. Our Family is now complete.

Excited to start

Aah! I am scared...I have that roller coaster feeling...I am going to start a journal that every one will be able to read..I guess I better watch my mouth!?! I have been telling Aspen that this is a great way to keep in touch, especialy when you don't get to catch up very often. It's a good way to know what some one is going thru or what their family is up too. I have definetly enjoyed reading every ones blogs..I have so many ideas. I can't wait to get going so all of you can start peeking into my daily/weekly/monthly choas. ( I don't want to get ahead of myself and think that I will get a post in every day )